About us We come in all ages, all backgrounds but we all have big hearts willing to learn and improve our own lives and reach out to help others. Following 10 years of extensive research we have uncovered how to solve how the world financial system has enslaved us all through our banks, our governments, our health, our military, our religions... in all, enslaving our freedoms. Over the years, we have attracted tens of thousands of followers who were looking for solutions to free themselves of the bondage from the banksters. Golden Ray now offers this solution allowing you to easily understand the frauds put upon you and providing a ready solution to free yourself from the grip of debt. We have developed worldwide political and financial connections to provide the funds to our members from their current and past loans and their federal tax payments. Both are frauds and you are being compensated for a lifetime of their abuse. You will discover the banks funded your loans with your own hidden assets. The IRS (US) and CRA (Canada) have also engaged in fraudulent demands for your money through taxes. Needs abound worldwide, so why not start with your own family and friends. Once their needs are met, what is your passion to help others: filling food pantries; assisting the homeless; veteran support; elderly support; private schools; better governance; community support; offshore support; etc. Welcome to the 'GOLDEN AGE'. In the light,
Our Mission
Enrich Your Life Yes, we all need a good jolt from time to time to awaken us to the strangle hold that has been put upon us. In the United States alone, there are over 1,000,000 laws (local, county, state and federal)! The US also has more people in prisons today per capita than any other country on the planet. Are we really that bad? Or is someone trying to totally control us? Do you need to be controlled by more laws, taxes or infringements on your freedoms?
Your Mission
Grow by Learning and Sharing Should you choose to join our team, we only ask you to share your knowledge, wisdom and resources to improve humanity. It is through giving from the heart that we truly receive and grow. We will not ask you to join or seek an award... that is solely your choice. Do your head work, heart work and check your finances to determine if this is right for you. We function on a best efforts basis with truly dedicated individuals who have worked endless hours to bring about this program. Should you choose to proceed, you will be graciously welcomed but should you choose to leave we respect that also but cannot provide a refund. So, feel right about your decisions. Explore our site and let us know how we can help you further. |
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